7 Necessary Rules To Raise Children

Raising children who are responsible and have healthy emotional and psychological health may be a challenge for most mothers.

Some boys are slower than others in acquiring social skills. They are more interested in electronic games and their Tablet PC.

Their interests with these things may make it difficult to get their attention and focus.

Learn about the most important ideas that will help you raise children to become happy and have active personalities in the community.

1.      Give your children some responsibilities:

The skill of following instructions and completing tasks may sometimes develop slowly in boys. But practice will help them develop these skills.

Set specific tasks for your child to do, and be sure to be suitable for his age and abilities. Ask your 3-year-old to give you a spoon to stir your cake mixture.

Your child's age at school is a daily task such as taking out waste or feeding a family pet.


2.      Let them express their feelings:

Do not let your son cry because he did not get the last piece of candy or because he did not watch his favorite cartoon. But to allow him to express his feelings of frustration and grief in the way he likes, as long as it is not a violent or subversive way.

Talk to him about his feelings and give him a healthy space for expression.


3.     Give them a lot of love

Give your son your kisses and your arms. Do not worry, this is not "dala" Studies have shown that children who receive from their parents embrace and kisses feel more secure and love than others.

This helps them grow so that they are more self-confident. Before you go to school, hug them before sleep and rest on their shoulders when they do a good job. Love will make your son strong and confident.


4.     Invite them to express their activity:

Boys have a bigger card than girls, making them very motile. Your son is called running, playing and climbing trees, but be careful to remind him of safety instructions.

You must also remember that he can express his activity in the right places, such as the garden and playground, not in the library or classroom.


5.      Give them an opportunity to develop their social skills

Boys are not as strong friends as girls. They play football or basketball with each other in large groups.

Help your son strengthen his or her individual relationships by arranging play dates with a friend who likes to play with him. Encourage him to participate in his games and to show a positive ethic in dealing.


6.     Make sport a part of their lives

Studies have shown that exercise since a young age has many benefits on the human mental and physical health.

Be sure to encourage your child's sport that he likes. You should not make sport a way to compete and a way of hard training and tournaments.

You are thus protecting your son from the real pleasure and positive benefits of sport. Exercise will also help him to strengthen his social skills and skills of communication, cooperation and participation.


7.      Praise their positive behavior

Raising children may often be more difficult than raising children because of their excessive activity and lack of proficiency in following instructions.

But you will make great progress with your children if you praise their good behavior and positive behavior.

You will encourage them to repeat such behavior more and more until it becomes normal behavior.